What We Do
CfD Focuses on 6 Different Areas:
Kruti Livelihood and Vocational Skill Building: CfD conducts numerous different training programs that helps youth from disadvantaged urban and rural areas join certain job trades.
Peace and Harmony: CfD strongly believes that there should be harmony between everyone, even with diversity. CfD makes efforts to help build the gap between Hindi and Muslim communities through peace modules.
Community Led Advocacy: Citizenship rights are held of great importance and CfD helps fight for the livelihood of displaced communities. CfD wants to build local capacities and institutions that will inevitably help empower these communities.
Civil Society Engagement: All of the Ahmedabad community should be involved in the fight for everyone’s rights. Thus, CfD focuses on educating civil society on the local issues and then getting them involved through volunteering and/or donating.