
Meera Malek


Meera Malek

Education: BA in Psychology

Experience: 24 years of work in social development sector

Achievement: International Service Human Rights Award, 2010


Meera Malek began her engagement with social work from the urban slums of Ahmedabad city. She founded the Centre for Development (CfD) in 1996 and continues to lead the organization till date. Her endeavors spanning two decades have been in sectors such as Community Health, Child Rights and Protection, Violence Against Women and Empowering Adolescent Girls. Her significant contribution has been mainly in three thematic areas: (i) Peace building in conflict situations, (ii) Protection and education of children (particularly girls) who are pushed into hazardous labour and abusive situations, (iii) Empowerment of women to victims of domestic violence and abuse. Since 2012 she has been more involved in the educational programme (Kadam Education Initiative) for adolescent girls; and more recently, since 2014 she has been mentoring new leadership in CfD.