Title | 45 Days Campaign |
Publication Date | April 30th, 2012 to June 12th, 2012 |
Place | Dhanduka and Bavla |
Categories | Education |
This campaign ran for a period of 45 days from April 30th, 2012 to June 12th, 2012. Under this campaign various questions were put up to the children of Dhanduka and Bavla blocks which analyzed the situation in respective villages. This report was presented to the members of the Block Panchayat, Block Development Officer and the authorities of the related departments. The leaders of the group of children requested for the solutions of the problems asked in the questions. The questions related to the lives of the children were asked by them in the Block Panchayat meeting. During this meeting, what kind of decisions were to be taken in this regard were discussed by the village members and the Panchayat members.

Tags: Education